Flames of War


Wizard Token Set (72703)

Dungeons & Dragons Token Set

Wizard Token Set (72703)


The Wizard’s Token Set for Gale Force Nine’s series of Official DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Player’s Handbook Token Sets contains many tokens and tiles as well as an invisibility stand-in for your Player Character’s miniature. 

Each set includes a Character Status Tile. This durable plastic tile is a handy reference for all the variable stats that can change during combat. The tile is designed to work with wet erase markers so you can quickly modify your status as it changes in battle.

The Action Point Tile is a handy reminder for players to make an extraordinary move to turn the tide of combat. The Light Source token can be slipped onto the base of your model when your character casts a Light Cantrip or holds a mundane torch. The Bloodied token conveniently marks your model when the battle begins to take its toll, while the Dying token reminds your companions that your wizard is grasping onto the last threads of life.
Dungeons & Dragons Token Set
The set also includes personalized Dragonscale-shaped tokens for your character. Scale tokens fit neatly around the base of your model, or can be placed on the Status Tile or your character sheet. The personalized Marked token designates the target of your eldritch fury. The Total Defense token shows when your character is focusing on staying alive rather than attacking. When casting Mage Hand, the Spectral Hand token can be used to track the location of this “handy” conjuration. The remaining scale tokens have iconic wizard imagery that the player can define for use for a wide range of spells, effects and reminders during combat (For example, the fireball tokens are perfect for marking the corners of an area of effect attack on the Battle Grid).

Finally the Mount Token is used to increase the base size of your miniature to a large model when your character is riding a horse or vehicle. This Large size token can also represent your riderless mount on the Battle Grid. The Invisibility Stand-Up replaces your miniature when your character is rendered invisible.

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