Flames of War


88mm Anti-Tank Battery (IBX13)

88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13)

88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13)
Contains two plastic 88mm Guns, one plastic gun crew sprue, one 8 Million Bayonets dice. two large bases, one base insert sprue and two unit cards.

When production of their own 90m heavy anti-aircraft gun failed to keep pace with demand, the Italians purchased German 88mm anti-aircraft guns to make up the numbers. Like the Germans, the Italians used the deadly '88' as a heavy anti-tank gun, giving them the range and punch to knock out any Allied tank, even the Sherman, at ranges where the tanks could not strike back.

The 88mm anti-aircraft gun is accurate out to a range of several kilometeres, giving it the ablitiy to knock out tanks beyond the range at which they can reply.

Check out the Italian 88mm Anti-Tank Battery in the Online Store...

The Italians learned about modern warfare the hard way in 1940. Now they are back, showing the world what the Italian soldier can do. Fighting under the famous ‘Desert Fox’, General Rommel, they form a crucial part of the Italian-German Panzer Army. Tough, determined, skilled, and aggressive veterans, the Italians broke through the British Gazala Line to save the trapped German Afrika Korps, held the line at El Alamein, and opened the way at Kasserine Pass, before holding up the American offensive at El Guettar. Fight or die for the new Roman Empire!

Click here to find out more about Avanti...

Avanti: Italian Forces In North Africa 1942-43 
88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13)88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13)
88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13)
88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13) 88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13)
88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13) 88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13)
88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13) 88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13)
88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13)  88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13)
88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13) 88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13)

Contact the customer service team at [email protected] if you have issues with any components.
Plastic 88mm Anti-Tank Gun Sprue (x2)
88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13)
Plastic Bases
88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13)
Dice (x1)
88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13)
Plastic Gun Crew Sprue (x1) 88mm Anti-Tank Battery Unit Card (x2)
88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13) 88mm Anti-Tank Battery (Plastic) (IBX13)
 Click here to learn how to assemble the 88mm...
Click here to learn how to assemble the 88mm...