Flames of War


Merkava Tank Assembly

Merkava Tank Assembly

Merkava Tank Assembly

How to assemble your Merkava Tanks

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Merkava Tank Assembly
Assembling the Merkava
Merkava Tank Assembly
Step 1. Begin assembly of your Merkava by glueing on the tracks. There are notches to ensure you don't put them on backwards. Below: The two tracks in place
Merkava Tank Assembly Merkava Tank Assembly Merkava Tank Assembly
Step 2. Next attach the rear plate of the tank to the main hull. Step 3. Now place the upper hull peice on the main hull
Merkava Tank Assembly Merkava Tank Assembly Merkava Tank Assembly
Below. The upper hull in place.

Step 4. Next glue the side skirts onto the main hull. Make sure the side skirts correctly fit onto the hull.

Merkava Tank Assembly Merkava Tank Assembly Merkava Tank Assembly
Below: The completed Merkava tank hull.
Merkava Tank Assembly

Merkava Tank Assembly
Step 5. Now we can assemble the turret. Begin by attaching the main turret hull to the bottom plate. Step 6. Next attach the 105mm gun barrel to the front of the turret. Note that there is a notch for mounting coaxial machine gun. This needs to face upwards.
Merkava Tank Assembly Merkava Tank Assembly Merkava Tank Assembly
Step 7. Glue the hatch to the top of the turret in the slot shown. 
Step 8. Now place the coaxial machine gun on the gun .
Merkava Tank Assembly Merkava Tank Assembly Merkava Tank Assembly

Step 9. Attach the loader and commander Machine-guns to the upper turret hull. There are slots to help guide you in the places shown below.

Below: Both of The Machine-guns in place on the turret. With this the common parts of the Merkava 1 and 2 are done. 

Merkava Tank Assembly Merkava Tank Assembly

Assembling the Merkava 2 turret
 Merkava Tank Assembly
Step 1. Start with the extra amour plating located at the front right of the turret. There are notches to help you guide it into the correct position.
Merkava Tank Assembly Merkava Tank Assembly
Step 2. Next you want to attach the left and side armour plating which also includes the rear bustle. Make sure that both peices correctly align with the rear bottom plate to make sure there are no gaps.
Merkava Tank Assembly Merkava Tank Assembly
Step 3. Now you can attach the rear bustle wall to the rear of the turret. This should be snug againest both the two side peices and the bottom plate.
Below: With this the Merkava 2 turret is now complete. 
Merkava Tank Assembly Merkava Tank Assembly
Below: The finished Merkava 2
 Merkava Tank Assembly

Assembling the Merkava 1 Turret
 Merkava Tank Assembly
Step 1. Begin assembly of the Merkava 1 turret by attaching the left side bustle plate. Note the location and alignment shown below
Merkava Tank Assembly Merkava Tank Assembly
Step 2. Next attach the right side bustle to the hull of the turret. Make sure both pieces are tight againest the bottom plate. Step 3. With both peices in place you can now attach the rear bustle peice to the turret.
Merkava Tank Assembly Merkava Tank Assembly

Below: The completed Merkava 1 turret.

Below: The completed Merkava 1 tank.
 Merkava Tank Assembly Merkava Tank Assembly