Flames of War


Trench Mortar Platoon (GBR715)

Trench Mortar Platoon (GBR705) Trench Mortar Platoon (GBR715)
includes four 3" Stokes Mortar team, four Medium four-hole bases & one Base Plug sprue.

Trench warfare has highlighted the need for the forward infantry to have heavy fire support with them to knock out enemy defences.

Check out this product in the online store here...

Great War
The Great War of 1914-18 was global in its reach. Yet this global conflict would be decided by the mighty clashes upon the battlefields of Europe.

Learn more about Great War here...
Great War
Trench Mortar Platoon (GBR705) The new Stokes mortar has been designed to do the job and is just the ticket. It has good range, rate of fire, and firepower, thanks to its three-inch shell.

Designed by Evan Allen
Painted by Steve London
The 3" Stokes Mortar in Great War
Trench Mortar Platoon (GBR705) Trench Mortar Platoon (GBR705)
Trench Mortar Platoon (GBR705) Trench Mortar Platoon (GBR705)
Trench Mortar Platoon (GBR705) Trench Mortar Platoon (GBR705)
The Trench Mortar Platoon Prepares A Bombardment
Trench Mortar Platoon (GBR705)